The UK government announced last week that we will stay in lockdown for at least another three weeks. Many countries across the world are finding themselves in similar situations. Our freedom has been put on pause to protect our community and rightly so but it is harder than we thought. Many people are separated from their loved ones while others are stuck with their loved ones. The times are odd and unsettling but there are some positives to be found during this worldwide pandemic.
One of the positives that can be taken from this is that it is bringing many people together despite everyone having to keep their distance.

People all around the world are experiencing similar things at the same time. People are supporting each other, talking to one another and celebrating one another more than ever. With more time on our hands we have found ways to help one another and keep in touch with our loved ones. People have the time to talk to people they've lost contact with and the elderly have learnt things such as video calls to help keep them connected. Many are learning to appreciate one another and what we've got.
Another positive to note is the raising and donating money and time for those that need and deserve it. There have been challenges going around on social media encouraging people to donate to causes such as the NHS. Many heard about the 99 year old war
veteran, Tom Moore, who walked 100 laps of his garden to raise money for the NHS. Celebrities have donated thousands to various causes. Not only are people donating money but many are also donating their time to help various people. Thousands of people are volunteering to deliver groceries to those who cant go to the shops to get it and many are helping food banks as demand increases. There are many more amazing things people are doing to support one another which is amazing to hear.
We are also thanking those we've never thanked before just for doing their (amazing) jobs.

Countries around the world are finding ways to celebrate those who are continuing to work to help us. Key workers around the world have been underappreciated for too long, with many working hard for little pay. Many didn't realise all the people who help care for not only us individually but our whole community as well. It's about time we appreciated all those who are looking after us. Hopefully we wont forget all that they've done for us at this time and continue to appreciate and thank them.
The world has become aware of how we all have an impact on each other and millions are staying in to protect one another. The virus is very contagious and ANYONE can get it. While some are more likely to be affected by it worse such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, it is not a guarantee that if you don't fit into an 'at risk' category that you will survive the virus. People are aware of this and while no one wants to get the virus, no one wants to spread it either. Everyone knows someone who would likely get very ill if they contracted COVID-19 and most are following the guidance of social distancing to protect one another, as hard as it may be.
It's been amazing to hear about all the wonderful things that people are doing as a result of this pandemic. We are all heroes. Hopefully we don't forget to continue this once this pandemic is over. But for now we hope everyone stays safe, stays strong and stays home - we've got this!